When Do Car Wrecks Happen the Most?

Arkansas ranks 8th in the Top 10 Most Dangerous States for Car Accidents. To better help Arkansans avoid a car wreck, let’s talk about when car wrecks are most likely to occur.

More Traffic Means More Accidents

Car crashes are more likely to happen when traffic increases. The more cars on the road, the more likely it is that an accident will take place.

Summer & Holidays

Summer road trips in the heat of June and July are notoriously dangerous. The days surrounding holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas when people are going to see family see an uptick in crashes. Likewise, holidays when people are more likely to drink and drive result in more drunk driving accidents in Arkansas. These holidays include Labor Day, the 4th of July, and New Year’s Eve.

Start of School & Time Changes

When patterns change, for example, the start of school leads to more car wrecks. And time changes are another notorious factor in car wrecks.

However, many factors influence car accidents. Let’s take a deeper dive into when and why car wrecks are more likely to occur.

What Time Of Day Do Most Car Wrecks Happen?

In the spring and summer, 8 p.m. to midnight is considered the most dangerous and fatal time to drive, especially on Saturdays.

On the other end, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. is the most fatal and dangerous time to be on the road during the winter months (November through February).

Why are car wrecks more likely to happen during these times? It’s because both of these times in the year feature time differences but also those are hot spots for traffic hours. During the warmer months, people will tend to be out later. In the colder months, people tend to just rush home right after work.

Twilight, when the sun is setting, is a notoriously dangerous time to drive. While our eyes and bodies are adjusting to the lack of light, we’re prone to make mistakes while driving.

Time of Day Car Wrecks Happen the Most

If you click HERE, you’ll be taken to a link to a graph that shows which days of the week are hot spots for car crashes to get a better look at what time is the most dangerous to be on the road.

As stated above, time changes can affect driving habits. We aren’t accustomed to driving as our bodies have not adjusted nor have they adjusted to if it’s lighter or darker at that time yet. So always be alert when you spring forward or fall back.

What Time Of Year Mainly Affects Car Accidents?

The National Safety Council states that July, August, and October are the most dangerous times of year to drive.

July is a super month for vacations so there are tons of people on the roads, plus they’re driving in cities that they aren’t familiar with.

August is the month that school starts back, which means more students, buses, and families are on the road. It also means that there are more people on the roads during certain times (early in the morning and mid-afternoon), thus having more capabilities for wrecks.

October makes the list because of Halloween and fall road trips. Halloween is a holiday that mixes vehicles and children, plus drunk drivers, on the road.

100 Deadliest Days to Be on the Road

The National Safety Council has termed the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day as the 100 Deadliest Days to Be on the Road. 

Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day rank among the most dangerous days for drivers and passengers in Arkansas. These stats are an important reminder that drinking and driving never go together. As we mentioned above, June and July are packed with summer road trips. And in August, school starts back, and with it…plenty of drop-off and pick-up traffic, plus school buses. 

Remember our easy rule to follow: when traffic increases, wrecks increase, so stay alert.

What Type Of Environment Affects Car Wrecks the Most?

You can be in various types of environments and each one can still be affected by car wrecks. In a city or large town, car accidents are more likely and frequently occur on highways. In a rural area, car accidents were found by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety to happen on local arterial roads. The IIHS also reports that car accidents in urban areas occurred and were more fatal on interstates and freeways.

At What Age Are You More Likely to Be in a Car Accident?

We all know that anyone at any age can get into a car accident. However, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says that 16 to 24-year-olds are 3 times more likely to get into an accident as opposed to their older counterparts.

In fact, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among teenagers. Speed is said to be the main factor in a large percentage of fatal car crashes. Other factors include drunk driving, distracted driving, inexperience, and a lack of seatbelt usage.

For more, visit: Teen Driving Safety Tips


Tips for Safe Driving: 

Let’s examine a few tips to keep you and everyone else on the road safer:

  • Wear your seatbelt. Always buckle up! 
  • Don’t drink and drive. It’s never worth it.
  • Avoid distractions. Distracted driving is dangerous driving.
  • Slow down! Obey the speed limit and all other traffic laws.

What To Do If You’re In A Crash

If you’re involved in an accident, visit our page Car Accidents for details on how to handle the next steps. But immediately after a car wreck, we’d advise you to take these 4 steps:

Call 911

If you’re capable of making a call after a crash, then call 911 immediately. The first call after a car wreck always needs to be 911. The operator will be able to ensure the proper emergency care and authorities arrive at the scene.

Get a Police Report

Communicate with the responding officer to ensure a police report is filed. Without one, an at-fault driver’s story is likely to change. Here’s How to Get a Police Report in AR.

Seek Medical Care

Whether you visit an emergency room or urgent care provider or schedule an appointment with your primary care physician, seek medical attention if you’ve been in a wreck.

Call an Attorney

While it’s possible to handle your car accident claim on your own, calling a car accident attorney near you will provide you with valuable information for your claim.

Car Wreck Questions?

If you have questions about car wrecks or the rules of the road, contact us anytime at 800.305.0529 or message us online. We’re available 24/7 to answer your questions! We’ll be on your side – by your side.

By Chloe Veuleman

When car accidents are most likely to occur



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