If you’ve been injured and your injuries are the result of someone else’s negligence then you need to speak with a TBI injury lawyer in Arkansas that you can trust. Recovering benefits can be difficult. Trust the legal team at Taylor King Law to be on your side – by your side. Talk to a local Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer near you to learn how our law firm can help you with your recovery process.
Speak with an AR Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer.
1.4 million Americans sustain a traumatic brain injury each year. Are you or someone you love dealing with the aftermath of a brain injury? You may have a right to compensation.
Trust the legal team at Taylor King Law to be on your side – by your side
The TBI Attorneys at Taylor King Law will help you recover the benefits you deserve.

Attorneys for Victims of a Traumatic Brain Injury
Brain injuries, like the brain itself, are incredibly complex. Lawsuits relating to Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) are likewise complex and require the expertise of an experienced brain injury lawyer.
Entrust your legal needs to a local TBI attorney who’s committed to fighting for Arkansans’ rights – trust Taylor King. With over 300 years of combined legal experience, you can expect Taylor King Law to be on your side – by your side.
Call us today at 870.246.0505 for a free consultation.
Find Out If You Have a TBI Case that Requires Legal Help:
Fill out the form below to find out if you have a Traumatic Brain Injury case. One of our team members will reach out to ask questions and ensure you receive the representation you deserve. We’re dedicated to helping Arkansans who have been injured find justice:
Do I Have A Case?
Taylor King Law has been representing our friends and neighbors for more than 30 years.
What is TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)?
A brain injury refers to brain “dysfunctions” caused by an outside force, such as whiplash or a blow to the head.
Traumatic brain injuries are commonly associated with car crashes, slip and falls, or contact sports. ‘G’s’, a measurement that relates to both velocity, force, and shock absorbency, are used to measure that ‘outside force’. A car accelerating and striking a stationary wall at 35 mph can generate 50 G’s. While that same impact may not necessitate a brain injury, damage to brain tissue is likely to occur in a high-impact collision.
While vehicle safety features continue to incorporate new ways to decrease the impact of an accident, a car accident can still quickly lead to devastating damages.
To learn more about TBI, including TBI lawsuits: What To Know About Traumatic Brain Injuries

What Are the Common Causes of TBI?
What are the causes of a traumatic brain injury and what situations can commonly result in a TBI? We’ll take a look at a select few:
1. Motor Vehicle Accidents
As we mentioned above, car crashes are a leading cause of brain injuries. Among adults 65 and younger, car accidents are the #1 leading cause of TBI. If you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident, learn how Taylor King Law can help you HERE.
2. Falls
Falls account for nearly half of all hospitalizations. They’re the leading cause of brain injuries among adults 65 and older.
3. Sport Injuries
Head injuries in sports can result in a traumatic brain injury. In fact, sports result in a whopping 21% of traumatic brain injuries among teens and children.
4. Assault
An estimated 10% of traumatic brain injuries are the result of assault. This can include physical altercations, child abuse, domestic violence, or sexual assault. If you’ve been the victim of an assault, civil charges are a separate avenue from criminal charges for you to pursue justice. Learn more HERE how criminal and civil charges differ and how Taylor King Law can help.
5. Blast Injuries or Gunshot Wounds
Explosions or blasts, in addition to gunshots, can result in either penetrating or non-penetrating brain injuries. We’ll discuss the differences between the two further.
What Are the Different Kinds of Traumatic Brain Injuries?
There are primarily two different kinds of TBI, penetrating and non-penetrating:
Penetrating TBI, otherwise known as Open TBI, occurs when an object penetrates the skull and enters the brain tissue. Most commonly associated with Penetrating TBI are bullets, shrapnel, or bone fragments.
Non-penetrating TBI, or Closed TBI, happens when the brain is damaged by an indirect impact, meaning a foreign object does not penetrate the brain. This type of TBI is more commonly associated with MVAs, falls, and sports injuries.

How Do I Know If I Need a TBI Lawyer?
If you’ve been injured and your injury is someone else’s fault then there’s an excellent chance that you have a case. Here are a few scenarios that may mean you need a qualified TBI attorney in your corner:
- Your claim has been denied.
- The at-fault party is denying fault.
- You have pre-existing injuries.
- Your injuries are serious and require medical attention.
- You feel like you’re being unfairly treated.
- Insurance coverage is in question.
A traumatic brain injury is serious. We understand that at Taylor King Law and are prepared to give your case the attention it deserves. If you’re struggling to get the compensation you deserve or are unsure what steps to take, trust the personal injury lawyers at Taylor King Law to handle your case with care and expertise.
How Much Is My TBI Case Worth?
Each brain injury is unique and the monetary value of each TBI claim is likewise unique. Your case’s worth is an excellent question to ask your attorney. While they may be unable to give you a specific amount they can help you determine expectations.
What Types of Compensation Am I Eligible to Receive?
Let’s look at the types of compensation you can seek via your TBI claim:
- Medical Expenses
- Mental Anguish
- Lost Wages
- Pain & Suffering
- Longterm Medical Treatment or Care
- Future Loss of Income
- Lower Quality of Life
- Lost Profits
- Future Damages

Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury
Brain injuries, unfortunately, are difficult to detect. Symptoms often wait to reveal themselves, sometimes even years later. Plus, the spectrum of symptoms associated with TBI is broad.
Symptoms of TBI range from loss of consciousness to spells of dizziness and consistent headaches. Sleep difficulties including oversleeping or not being able to fall asleep are common, as well.
To learn more about dealing with TBI, as well as how to care for someone who suffered a traumatic brain injury, visit the Brain Injury Association’s website HERE.
If you suspect you or someone you love has suffered damage to the brain, it’s critical to seek the qualified advice of medical experts. A CT scan is the safest and surest way to make certain your loved one is cared for. In addition, you can look for these symptoms of a traumatic brain injury:
- Memory loss – either temporary or permanent
- Difficulty speaking
- Mood swings or changes in personality
- Difficulty answering basic questions or completing simple tasks
- Loss of motor skills (both fine and gross movements)
- Persistent numbness or tingling in hands and feet
- Loss of balance or coordination
- Loss of vision
- Sudden onset of depression or symptoms of mental disorder
- Inability to work
- Social isolation
TBI Lawyers “On Your Side, By Your Side”
If you or someone you love is dealing with the aftermath of a brain injury, call an experienced TBI attorney near you. Was your injury the result of another person’s negligent actions? Taylor King Law can help.
Whether you’re dealing with the immediate aftermath of an injury or are concerned you’re experiencing the long-term effects of a prior accident, contact our law firm today. Brain injury victims are entitled to compensation for their injuries and medical expenses in addition to compensation for their pain and suffering.

Even if you believe you’re only experiencing a mild traumatic brain injury, it’s still important that you seek help.
It can be a difficult road to walk, but you don’t have to do it alone. We have over 30 years of experience helping personal injury victims get the help they deserve. At Taylor King Law, we handle the process from start to finish.
Initial consultation with an attorney is both FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.
We work on a contingency basis, we only get paid once we win your case. Contact us at any of our seven locations across Arkansas, and into Texas, today to learn more.