Leash Laws in Texas

Hey everybody—it’s me, Bradi Bear, back in action with some helpful leash law info. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the weather is getting FULL springtime out there. The days are longer, the breeze is blowing, the flowers are blooming. What does this mean? (besides the fact that my pup allergies and sneezes are in full force) IT’S PERFECT WALK WEATHER. And what does THAT mean? It’s time for a refresher on those leash laws.

Today I am looking into what Texas has to say about pups on leashes. If you’re an Arkansas pup, I took a deep dive into those too: Arkansas Leash Laws.  

Now, back to Big Tex.

Does Texas have leash laws?

Texas, like most states, lets each city government decide on its own leash laws.

Each city is a little different, so it’s smartest to check out your own cities’ specific leash laws before you take your pup outside! I’ll get you started with a cheat sheet for some of my favorite cities in the state: 

And while you’re reading up on your city’s leash laws, be sure to check out those definition sections – each city can define terms differently! 

For example, most cities don’t officially call it a “leash law.”  Instead, you may see sections like these: 

What is a “Dog at Large”?

In general, we dogs run into problems when we are OFF the leash. This is also known as a “dog at large.” Sounds pretty mischievous to me, but a dog at large can really be any pup who’s out of his or her yard without some sort of leash or leash device attached to his or her collar!

Texas leash laws aren’t just concerned about dogs on walks – they also have rules regulating the size and type of leashing devices we can be restrained by in our own yards. This is for EVERYONE’S safety. For example: 

  • In Houston, unless us pups are “confined within a building or other totally enclosed structure” that our human owns or has control over, we MUST be wearing dog tags. That goes for our sometimes less friendly feline friends, too.
  • In College Station, they require specific fencing if your pup is considered a “guard dog” (its own unique term).

One last thing to keep in mind: If you do see a pup out and about with his or her human, remember good pup etiquette! Once you get the ok from the human holding the leash, offer us your hand to sniff first (we can sometimes be nervous around new people). After a sniff or two, I’m sure we will warm up and enjoy that scratch behind the ears you are offering!

Enjoy those walks with your own furry friends! 



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