Bradi Bear Blog
What You Should Know About Arkansas Leash Laws
Thanksgiving has finally arrived! Tomorrow everyone will gather at Taylor King’s house for food, family and fun. It will be great- we will all exchange stories and catch up on one another’s lives. Austin King will share about working for good ole Pops and his move back to Arkadelphia. And I’ll get to tell everyone about my second time on set with Buddy for the Taylor King commercials!
Although, we ran into a slight problem when we started discussing the meal for tomorrow. Everyone started naming what they had made when we realized THERE WAS NO TURKEY! It was the morning before Thanksgiving and we’d somehow left out THE Thanksgiving staple. The entire family was stressed when I came to the rescue. I put on my turkey costume and it was decided I’d just be everyone’s little turkey instead! (I like honey baked ham more anyways!)
There was no need to stress over a little thing like forgotten turkey- I have so much to be thankful for:
1. Belly rubs from Taylor King and anyone else for that matter
2. Cool weather outside to run off leash in
3. Pupcakes that come in Pup-kin Spice Flavor
4. The perfect role model, Buddy
5. Sticks
6. All of Taylor King’s friendly clients who love to meet me
7. That Momma always shares marshmallows from her hot chocolate
8. Everyone followed safe driving rules to meet for Thanksgiving
9. The vet is closed on Thanksgiving Holiday
10. Taylor King is on my side by my side