5 Fun Ideas to Celebrate National Dog Week

It’s National Dog Week, AKA National Best Week Ever! I’m going to keep this short and sweet because I’ve got to go celebrate! Here are my suggestions on how to celebrate your dog each day this marvelous week…

MONDAY: Get your dog a puppuccino from Starbucks. A puppuccino is an espresso-sized cup of whipped cream! No Starbucks near you? Try Sonic’s version of the same. Yum!

Starbucks Puppuccino


TUESDAY: Take your dog on a hike/walk somewhere NEW…take it from me, there’s nothing like new smells to smell.

Dog Hiking


WEDNESDAY: Surprise your dog with a trip to your favorite local dog store. Most shops are pet-friendly and typically hand out free treats and belly rubs! And who knows? If your pup is a good boy (or girl), maybe they can even pick out their own toy to take home!

Dog Store


THURSDAY: It’s not too late for one last swim! Take your pup for a splash in the water before those temperatures start dropping. Too cold where you are for a September swim? Pick a favorite activity of your own!

Dog Swimming Pool


FRIDAY: Try making your favorite 4-legged friend a homemade pumpkin pup treat! We dogs LOVE pumpkin, and even though we can’t drink a Pumpkin Spice Latte, there are tons of great recipes (Try All Recipes’ PB & Pumpkin Dog Cookies or Good Housekeeping’s Pumpkin Oatmeal Treats) out there for healthy pup-cakes and pup-sicles that can give your dog a little taste of fall.

Pumpkin Dog Treats



NOTE: National Dog Week is the last full week in September each year. Did you miss this year’s event? It’s never too early to start planning for next year!

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