If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle wreck, contact an experienced bike accident lawyer in Arkansas you can trust. At Taylor King Law, we understand the impact a motorbike crash can have on your life and we’re committed to helping you get back to how things were before your accident.
The motorcycle wreck attorneys at Taylor King Law are prepared to handle every aspect of your accident claim: from obtaining your police report, contacting witnesses, and securing a rental, to negotiating your settlement. We’ll be on your side every step of the way.
Table of Contents
Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
Injured in a Motorcycle Crash
Do I Have a Case?
Do I Need a Motorcycle Accident Attorney?
What to Do Immediately Following a Motorbike Wreck
Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents
Why Are Intersections So Dangerous?
Dangers of a Motorcycle Wreck
Why Call a Motorcycle Attorney?
Motorcycle Legal Experts
Motorcycle Claim Questions to Ask an Attorney
What to Know About Motorcycle Laws in Arkansas
Arkansas Licensing Information for Motorcycles
Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in AR
Hire an AR motorcycle wreck attorney.
If you’ve been injured in a bike crash, then contact the trusted motorcycle accident lawyers at Taylor King Law near you.
Call Taylor King at 800.305.0529 for a free consultation.
Whether you choose to hire our firm or not, we’ll answer your motorcycle wreck questions and give you the advice you need to handle your motorcycle accident claim.

Injured In A Motorcycle Crash?
We understand that a motorcycle wreck can turn your world upside down.
When your accident is the fault of another driver, we’re here to help. At Taylor King Law we know that bikers are some of the most responsible drivers on the road. Unfortunately, vehicles don’t always give bikers the attention they deserve.
Motorcycle claims can be much more complex than a typical motor vehicle claim. If you’ve been injured, you’ll need an experienced motorcycle attorney.
Taylor King Law has been representing our friends and neighbors in AR for more than 30 years.
Do I Have A Case?

Do I Need a Motorcycle Accident Attorney?
It’s possible to handle your own bike accident claim. However, if you see any of these red flags, it’s time to call an attorney:
- Your claim is denied.
- You have serious injuries.
- The at-fault’s story has changed.
- You have preexisting injuries.
- You’re being treated unfairly.
- It’s been more than a year.
- Insurance coverage is being questioned.
These red flags mean it’s time to call a lawyer. A conversation with Taylor King is both free and confidential. We recommend speaking with an attorney so you can ensure you’re being treated fairly.
What To Do Immediately Following a Motorcycle Wreck
Accidents happen. Unfortunately, 80% of motorcycle accidents result in injury compared to 20% of vehicle accidents. Let’s discuss what steps to take in the immediate aftermath of an accident and in the days following a motorcycle wreck:
1. Call 911
If you’re involved in an accident and able to make a phone call then dial 911. Your first call after a wreck always needs to be 911. The 911 operator will be able to ensure emergency care and the proper authorities respond to the accident.
2. Obtain a Police Report
Speak with the police and communicate clearly what happened during the accident. A police report should be filed regardless of injury. Without a police report, at-fault drivers are prone to change their story.
3. Seek Medical Care
A biker is 26 times more likely to be injured. If you’ve been involved in an accident, seek medical care. Whether it’s an emergency room, primary care physician, or urgent care provider, seek medical attention.
4. Call an Attorney
While it may be possible to handle your motorcycle claim on your own, an initial conversation with an attorney will help you gain valuable information to make wise choices regarding your claim.
If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident, speak with a motorcycle lawyer near you. Whether you choose to hire an attorney or not, an experienced motorcycle attorney will help you explore your options and ensure you’re being treated fairly.
What Are the Common Causes of a Motorcycle Accident?
There are approximately 85,000 motorcycle wrecks each year in the United States. There are 8.8 million registered motorcycles, meaning roughly 1% of bikers are involved in a motorcycle accident yearly. Here are 7 of the most common reasons behind a motorcycle crash:
1. Speeding
Speeding accounts for a significant number of motorcycle accidents. High speeds reduce reaction times. A last-minute swerve to avoid a collision on a motorcycle may likely result in a biker laying down the bike.
2. Failure to Look
Motorcycle wrecks often occur because a vehicle driver fails to keep a proper lookout. 1 in every 4 motorcycle accidents is due to a driver failing to keep a proper lookout. When a biker goes unnoticed by a distracted driver, collisions inevitably happen.
3. Lefthand Turns
A staggering number of motorcycle accidents involve a lefthand turn. When a driver turns left and enters cross-traffic without keeping a proper lookout, bikers are often the victim.
4. Alcohol or Impaired Driving
In 2020, alcohol accounted for 36% of all fatal motorcycle wrecks in the U.S. In 29% of those wrecks, the driver was legally intoxicated (b.a.c. was .08 or higher).
5. Road Conditions & Hazards
Potholes and poor road conditions are remarkably more dangerous for a biker than a vehicle. Motorcycles are at an increased risk of injury when they experience poor road conditions or obstructions (such as limbs).
6. Car Doors
If a car door is opened by a vehicle parked alongside the road and another vehicle collides with the opened door, the open car door takes the brunt of the damage. However, if a motorcycle collides with an opened door, the motorcycle rider takes the brunt of the damage.
7. Lane Splitting
Lane splitting refers to a motorcycle riding between two lanes of slow or stopped traffic. It’s not illegal for a biker to split lanes in Arkansas, but it can be dangerous.
If you’re the victim of a motorcycle wreck and it’s due to a driver failing to keep a lookout, contact an experienced attorney in Arkansas who can help you receive the compensation you deserve.
Why Are Intersections So Dangerous for Motorcycles
The rules of the road dictate that a driver must keep a lookout for other drivers when entering an intersection. Unfortunately, motorcycles often go unnoticed.
According to the Arkansas Motorcycle Manual, over half of motorcycle and car crashes are caused by a driver entering a rider’s right-of-way.
“Cars that turn left in front of you, including cars turning left from the lane on your right, and cars on side streets that pull into your lane, are the biggest dangers.”
A lefthand or righthand turn can easily result in deadly circumstances when a vehicle fails to notice a biker before entering an intersection.

Dangers of a Motorcycle Wreck in AR
1 in every 4 collisions involving a motorcycle and car is due to a vehicle driver’s failure to keep a lookout. One of the biggest dangers behind a motorcycle wreck is the likelihood you’ll be injured due to someone else’s fault.
Moreover, a biker is 35 times more likely to be injured in a collision with a vehicle. And a biker is 26 times more likely to be fatally injured.
The consequences of a wreck mean that motorcycle accidents are extremely dangerous.
If you’ve been injured you need an advocate. You need legal representation. You need someone you can trust.
Why Call a Motorcycle Accident Attorney?
When you call an attorney you’ll get the advice needed to move forward with your motorcycle claim. Whether you hire us or not, we’ll provide you with the information you need to make the best possible decision.
We’ve been representing bikers in Arkansas for over 30 years. Allow us to be your trusted local legal expert when it comes to a motorcycle accident.

Do I Have a Motorcycle Case?
If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle wreck that wasn’t your fault, then there’s an excellent chance that you have a case!
Several variables affect a motorcycle accident claim. We know, because we’ve seen them all! If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle wreck, call Taylor King Law or fill out the form below and one of our experienced team members will evaluate your case at no cost to you.
For a free case evaluation:
On Your Side – By Your Side

Motorcycle Legal Experts
There are 75,902 registered motorcycles on the road in Arkansas. Thanks to scenic routes and bike trails, the Natural State is an ideal destination for bikers.
Unfortunately, Arkansas ranks among the most dangerous. Motorcycle fatalities are up 22% in the last decade. According to statistics, Arkansas, Texas, and Missouri rank among the most deadly states with the highest rate of motorcycle fatalities in America.
Arkansas has nearly four times the motorcycle fatality rate of some states.
Motorcycle Claim Questions to Ask an Attorney
What Types of Compensation Am I Eligible to Receive?
In terms of what types of compensation are available during a motorcycle claim, you have several options.
In addition to property damage to your bike, you also have the cost of replacing safety gear. Medical bills, in addition to medications and medical equipment, are eligible. You also have the right to be compensated for pain and suffering, mental anguish, lost wages, lost profits, and the injury itself.
Additionally, some injuries are permanent in nature. Future damages can also be proven and claimed.
What Is the Statute of Limitations in Arkansas?
A motorcycle claim falls under the umbrella of a personal injury claim.
In Arkansas, you have 3 years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. This window that you have to file a lawsuit is what’s known as the statute of limitations. Personal injury claims include motorcycle accidents.
The statute of limitations can vary from state to state, which is why it’s so important to hire a local attorney in Arkansas.
When you call to speak with an attorney, one of the initial questions you’ll be asked is when the accident took place. With this information, a law firm will be able to obtain a police report as well as ensure your case meets the necessary statute of limitations.
Will My Case Go to Litigation?
Typically, a motorcycle claim can be settled outside of court without filing a lawsuit in Arkansas. An experienced attorney will position your claim to settle outside of court while preparing to go to court if necessary.
Your attorney will discuss the various types of compensation you’ll be able to seek. They’ll ask questions, and make sure that you receive full compensation for your damages. If the insurance company is unprepared to make right your injuries, then a lawsuit may be your best means of seeking recompense.
What is Modified Comparative Fault?
The modified comparative fault rule applies in the state of Arkansas. When more than one party is involved in an accident, a percentage of fault is applied to each party. To file a lawsuit, the plaintiff’s fault cannot exceed 49%.
Oftentimes, an insurance company will claim that the victim was partially at fault for the accident. Modified comparative fault states that the plaintiff cannot seek damages if they are found to be 50% or more at fault.
Your attorney will be responsible for handling this part of your claim and ensuring you receive compensation.
How Much Is My Motorcycle Crash Claim Worth?
There’s no sure-fire system for evaluating the exact amount of what your case is worth. However, our team of attorneys has more than 275 years of combined legal experience. We understand the process and know how to maximize your case. And we’ll be honest and upfront about what we can do for you.
If you have questions about compensation or how much your claim might be worth, your best bet is to call an attorney. With enough information, we can help you better understand the value of your claim.
More motorcycle wreck questions? You can always reach Taylor King Law over the phone and online 24/7, 365 days a year. We are committed to being available to you anytime you need legal help.
What To Know About Motorcycle Laws in AR
Let’s take a look at the laws governing motorcycle use in the state of Arkansas:
Valid License
You must be 16 and have a valid driver’s license to operate a motorcycle in the state of Arkansas. OR you can obtain a special license if 14 or older, according to AR Code 27-20-106.
It is illegal in Arkansas to drive a motorcycle with a BAC of .08% or higher. It’s the same as that of a vehicle driver.
Class M License
In addition to a driver’s license, you must obtain a motorcycle license endorsement in Arkansas to ride a motorcycle.
Riders 21 and older do not have to wear a helmet in Arkansas. However, drivers and passengers under 21 must wear a helmet on a motorcycle.
Lane Splitting
Lane Splitting is not illegal in Arkansas. There is a discrepancy regarding the law but nothing explicitly stating that a motorcycle may not split lanes. Read more HERE.
Passengers are permitted on a motorcycle but must have a stable and regular seat that they can sit astride while riding.

Motorcycle License Information in Arkansas
In addition to a valid driver’s license, a Class M or Class MD license is required to operate a motorcycle in Arkansas. What’s the difference?
- A Class M license is for those 16 and older in Arkansas. It authorizes the licensee to operate a motorcycle on AR roadways.
- A Class MD license is for those aged 14 to 15. It authorizes the licensee to operate a 250 CC motorcycle or less.
A Class M license costs $40 to obtain and must be renewed every 8 years in Arkansas.
On Your Side – By Your Side
If you’re seeking the legal advice of a motorcycle accident lawyer, then contact us today at 1(800) 305-0529. You’ll speak with an experienced team member. Whether you choose to hire an attorney or not, we’ll answer all your questions.
And because we work on a contingency basis, you won’t owe us anything until we win your case.

Need to speak with an attorney about your motorcycle accident claim? We’re here!
Initial consultation with an attorney is both FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.
Taylor King Law is committed to providing justice to clients who have been injured. We will be on your side – by your side, every step of the way.