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Caused by asbestos, mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that affects the lining of the heart, lungs or abdomen.
Working with asbestos is the greatest risk factor associated with and an indisputable cause of mesothelioma.
Asbestos products have been a part of the United States industrial and commercial enterprises since the late 19th Century, but their production and use greatly increased during World War II.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma
Symptoms of mesothelioma include chest pain, shortness of breath, and fluid buildup in the lungs. Oftentimes, though, symptoms may not occur until the illness is well advanced. Mesothelioma cancer can take decades (10 to 50 years) to develop, and early symptoms are typically vague.
Timely expert diagnosis is vital; considering symptoms can be mistaken for the warning signs of other conditions. In fact, most people in the early stages of mesothelioma cancer will experience no symptoms at all.
Who is Affected?
Millions of workers, military personnel, teachers and school children have been exposed to asbestos and continue to be exposed today, even though large-scale asbestos removal efforts have been in place for decades. People commonly affected include:
Military Personnel
Shipyard Workers
Construction Workers
Iron Workers
Paper Mill Workers
Railroad Workers
Anyone exposed to asbestos may be at risk. Asbestos was commonly used in building materials, insulation, auto parts, and as a fire retardant in a range of industrial, military, commercial and household products. Asbestos exposure may result from:
Mining or milling materials
Fireproofing the superstructures of buildings or ships
Maintaining railroad or automotive brakes
Insulating pipes and ductwork
During the demolition of structures
Paper Mill Workers
Railroad Workers
Being near a road paved with crushed serpentine stone
Living near an asbestos mine
Handling the work clothes of asbestos miners or millers
Working in a building insulated with asbestos
Do I Have A Case?
What to do next?
If you suspect that you or a family member could have been exposed to asbestos fibers, it is vital that you contact an attorney and that you obtain a medical diagnosis and treatment from an expert familiar with asbestos-related treatment. This may include an oncologist or pulmonologist. The best way to prevent mesothelioma is early detection.

Consider contacting an attorney right away. Our lawyers work with victims throughout the country to pursue the compensation they deserve for their complications and costs. We can help you pay for needed cancer treatments, help secure your family’s future, and hold those responsible, accountable. We have built an extensive database of asbestos defendants/job sites nationwide, identifying working conditions, products, materials, policies and liabilities relating to asbestos with solid evidence.
We can help you identify when and where your exposure to asbestos happened, which is one of the first steps in helping you gain access to the compensation you deserve.