“The best part of practicing, for me, has always been working with clients, and explaining legal issues to people.”

– Taylor King
  • What kinds of cases do we handle?

    The types of cases we handle are typically personal injury cases – where someone is injured or fatally injured in an incident.

    We’re experienced in car accidents, truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents. We represent truckers and bikers. We handle medical malpractice cases, nursing home abuse, as well as product liability cases, and Social Security disbiliity and mass tort claims.

  • Who Do I Call First After an Accident?

    After a car wreck, your first call should be to 911.

    Someone needs to call the authorities, and 911 is the best call to make because the operator will know who to get out to the scene, whether it’s the local police department, state police, or county sheriff’s department. They’ll also ask you questions about injuries and will help you determine whether an ambulance or EMT needs to come to the scene.

  • Why Should I Call an Attorney After an Accident?

    I would suggest you talk to a lawyer just to get information. Whether you hire an attorney not, they’ll give you the information you need to help you make wise decisions.

    If you make the initial phone call you’ll get the info you need to help you through the process that follows a car accident.

  • Why Does Someone Need a Car Wreck Attorney?

    When you’ve been in a wreck, you’re in a situation you’ve probably not been in before. So you’re going to be better off if you get good advice from a lawyer that handles these cases and is experienced in car accident cases.

    You’re going to end up better off if you have a lawyer who knows what they’re doing and can help you maneuver the landmines that follow a car wreck.

    Hiring a lawyer allows you to focus on getting well, and focus on the things you need to do with your medical treatment to get better. The lawyer can handle the legal battle to ensure you’re treated right and receive the settlement you deserve.

    You need an advocate who will represent you and treat you fairly.

  • How Do I Get My Car Fixed After an Accident?

    If you are involved in an accident with another vehicle and the other driver is at fault, you can call your own insurance company and get them involved, or you can call the at-fault driver’s insurance.

    Once you open a claim with the at-fault insurance, they’ll send an adjuster to look at your car and make a decision about whether to repair your vehicle or total your vehicle.

    Note: don’t let your car sit in a storage lot for an extended period of time.

    Added responsibilities include finding an autobody shop and securing a rental car while your vehicle is being repaired. If you’re having difficulty getting your car fixed after an accident, call us today at 1.800.305.0529 and we’ll gladly answer your questions and provide you with the information necessary to get your vehicle fixed.

  • What is the Process if I Hire a Lawyer for My Car Accident Claim?

    It’s important you do your research before you hire a lawyer.

    Once you decide to go with an attorney, the process will typically include you signing a contract. You’ll sign a medical authorization, as well. At the same time, an attorney will secure any documents you may have, including photos, bills, and medical records.

    An attorney can then photograph the scene, as well as damages to both vehicles. If the accident requires an accident reconstruction, the attorney will hire the proper team.

    Lawyers will obtain an accident report and contact the necessary insurance companies.

    Within the first week to 10 days, an attorney should get you into a rental car and help you start your property damage claim.

    Attorneys will help make sure you have the time needed to seek proper medical treatment and make sure you’re not being forced to pay out-of-pocket.

    Following medical care, a law firm will secure your medical records and put together what we call a settlement brochure. At this point, negotiations will take place between your attorney and the insurance company to ensure you receive a proper settlement.

  • What Types of Compensation are Included in My Accident Claim?

    In terms of the types of claims you might open after an accident, you have a lot of options…

    In addition to property damage and medical bills, you also have the right to be compensated for pain and suffering, mental anguish, lost wages, lost profits, and the injury itself. Additionally, some injuries are permanent in nature.

    Future damages can also be proven and claimed.

    Typically, these claims are settled outside of court without having to file a lawsuit. Attorneys can help you position your claim to settle outside of court while preparing to go to court if necessary.

  • How is it Different Being in a Wreck with a Big Truck?

    Being in a wreck with a big truck versus another car offers significant differences. A big truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, compared to a car’s 2,000-pound weight.

    One obvious difference is that the severity of physical injuries and the extent of vehicle damage can be greater in a big truck accident.

    In terms of claims, there are things about a big truck case that need to be dealt with differently.

  • Do You Have Any Advice for Someone Involved in an Intersection Accident?

    First, you need to make sure you get the names and numbers of any eyewitnesses. It’s important you gather this information because an intersection accident can quickly turn into a “he said, she said” situation.

    Security cameras can play a role, but they’re not regularly present at intersections. Don’t rely on a camera. Instead, focus on gathering witnesses.

    Have more questions about intersections, including 4-way stops: Who Goes First at a 4-Way Stop

  • What is Mitigation of Damages?

    Mitigation of Damages is a legal concept that requires the harmed party to minimize the amount of their damages.

    As a harmed party, you have a responsibility to make sure your damages don’t become excessive.

    A great example is after a car wreck if your car is moved to a storage lot and it’s drawing storage fees, you have a duty to minimize how much those ultimate storage fees are. You can’t let your car sit there for 2 months. You may be responsible to move your car off the lot.

  • What is Medpay and How Does it Work?

    Medical Payments coverage is 3 types of coverage:

    • 1) Personal Injury Protection (PIP) covers medical expenses.
    • 2) PIP Disability covers lost wages.
    • 3) PIP Death covers expenses in the unfortunate situation someone passes away in an accident.

    Medpay is a no-fault coverage under your insurance policy, and it allows you to pay medical bills immediately while you wait for your liability claim to resolve.

    Learn more about Medpay here: Medical Payments Coverage 103

  • Do I Need to Replace My Car Seat After I’ve Been in an Accident?

    When you’ve been involved in an accident with your child, your insurance company is required to replace the car seat.

    Regardless of whether the car seat was physically damaged or not, you have the right to have the car seat replaced so you can know your child will be safe in the future.

    For more information about child safety seats and car seat laws: Car Seat Laws in Arkansas

  • What is Uninsured Insurance Coverage and How Does it Work?

    Uninsured Motorist coverage is important for an individual to have. An estimated 20 to 25% of drivers on the road are uninsured, and, unfortunately, we don’t choose who we’re in an accident with.

    It’s a good probability you’ll be hit by an uninsured driver, and you need to be covered.

    There are several different kinds of Uninsured Motorist coverage. For more information visit: Uninsured Car Insurance 101

  • What is Underinsured Insurance Coverage and How Does it Work?

    Underinsured Coverage (also known as UIM) steps in when your medical bills vastly exceed the policy limits of the driver who’s hit you.

    UIM coverage will step in and pay in excess of what the policyholder’s liability has. This coverage extends beyond medical bills to also include your property damage.

    For more information about UIM and what to do if you’ve been hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver: What If I’m Hit by an Uninsured Driver?

  • What Role Does My Health Insurance Play in My Car Accident Claim?

    Health insurance plays a crucial role after a car accident. People often think “this is someone else’s fault, so why does my insurance have anything to do with this?”

    After an accident, you need to be treated by a doctor. And often, doctors want to use health insurance to treat you. It’s often the quickest way for you to get the treatment you need.

    Health insurance will subrogate, and send a lien to the attorney so that the attorney is able to take care of your medical bills in the end.

  • What is Pain and Suffering?

    “Pain and Suffering” is what can be referred to as the intangible damages. Medical bills and lost wages are a fixed price. “Pain and suffering” encompasses the anguish you’ve experienced. It includes the emotional stress, pain, and inconveniences you’ve dealt with following an accident.

    A lot of times it’s where an insurance company will try and lower the value of your claim. It’s important that “pain and suffering” connects back to your injury.

    Our job, as an attorney, is to stress that the “pain and suffering” you’ve dealt with isn’t only real, but that it’s had an impact on your life.

  • What is a Summary Judgment and a Default Judgment?

    A summary judgment comes up once your case is filed in litigation.

    A summary judgment brings a question of law in front of the judge and is filed by the defendant. In the case of summary judgment, a defendant is saying no reasonable juror would decide to side with the case of the plaintiff. The plaintiff’s attorney defends against summary judgment.

    A default judgment is a specific judgment that means liability and causation are admitted, and the only thing left is to determine damages. At this point, a trial is no longer necessary, but simply a hearing to determine damages.

  • How Does My Attorney Get Paid in a Car Wreck Case?

    In a personal injury case, your attorney is typically paid on a contingency fee basis (though this may vary depending on the specific law firm).

    At Taylor King Law we make sure you’re aware of that fee on the front end when you sign a contract. It’s a percentage of the final settlement, meaning you won’t owe us anything if we don’t settle your case.

  • Why Do I Need an Attorney After a Car Wreck?

    You need an attorney after a car wreck because there are a lot of hurdles out there that can cause you trouble.

    Getting an attorney early on will lead to better results because of the advice they’re able to provide throughout the process.

    It’s important to have someone who will be on your side. More questions about hiring an attorney? Contact us 24/7 online or call us toll-free at 1.800.305.0529.

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