Today more and more seniors are entering nursing homes consistent with the kind of care they need. Additionally, many nursing homes offer care to young adults as well, with physical and mental disabilities.  In the United States, nursing homes or skilled nursing facilities are required to have licensed practical nurses on duty 24 hours a day to provide the kind of care the residents need. In fact the facilities the nursing home is to offer and the way it is to be run is well defined. But despite having laws in place, nursing home abuse is on the rise.

Huge Numbers
Consider these statistics. Roughly 6 million cases of elder abuse are recorded every year which translates into one abuse case every five seconds; a figure that does not consider the number of cases that go unreported.

Abuse Defined
Nursing home abuse can take many forms. Physical abuse is the most frequent kind which might be defined as use of non-accidental physical force against an elder. Such physical force can cause pain and impairment, and in extreme cases result in death due to nursing home neglect. Physical abuse also covers the use of inappropriate drugs for different reasons including physical restraint.

Emotional abuse is another manifestation of nursing home abuse where a patient is left in a state of emotional distress, anxiety, or fear. Emotional abuse includes verbal abuse for humiliation, intimidation, and threats.

While these are the most common forms of nursing home abuse, there are many others such as financial fraud, exploitation, and sexual abuse.

No Toleration
Cases of nursing home abuse are dealt with by nursing home negligence attorneys, specialists in the field. Each state has its own laws and procedures in dealing with such cases but a claim can be raised for damages. If you know of any case of nursing home abuse it is incumbent on you to report it so that this malpractice is stopped. Contact the lawyers at Taylor King Law for a free consultation.




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