AR Lawyers for Burn Injury

On your side – By your side

Burn Injury Lawyers In Arkansas

Taylor King Law has been representing our friends and neighbors for more than 30 years.

Attorney for Burn Injuries in Arkansas

Hire a burn injury attorney today.

Contact Us

If you’ve suffered a burn and suspect your injuries are due to someone’s negligence, contact a burn injury lawyer in Arkansas.

Our personal injury law team has the experience and expertise to help you seek the compensation you deserve. Trust the burn injury attorneys at Taylor King Law to be on your side – by your side.

Do I Need an Attorney for a Burn Injury in Arkansas?

If your injuries were due to someone’s negligence, you may be facing delays from insurance, low settlement offers, quickened negotiations in an attempt to rush your settlement or a denial of liability.

Our Arkansas personal injury lawyers will handle every aspect of your case, from gathering evidence and witnesses to making sure you receive medical care. We’ll settle your case and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Do I Have A Case?




What to Know About Burn Injuries

The World Health Organization defines a burn as “an injury to the skin or other organic tissue primarily caused by heat or due to radiation, radioactivity, electricity, friction, or contact with chemicals.”

Types of Burn Injury Cases We Handle


Burns caused by electrical current, either direct current or alternating current, are known as electrical burns.


Thermal burns, or heat burns, occur when an external heat source raises the skin’s temperature, destroying tissue cells. Roughly 86% of burn injuries are thermal burns resulting from contact with fire, scalds, or hot objects. Thermal burns can be categorized as:


Scalds, or water burns, are caused by contact with hot liquids.


Contact burns are caused by the skin coming into contact with a hot solid object.


Flame burns are the result of fire or explosions damaging skin cells.


Steam burns, or gas burns, arise when steam or hot gases come into contact with the skin. They can be caused by hot liquids (scalds), hot solids (contact burns), or flames (flame burns).


Prolonged exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun or other sources of radiation such as an x-ray can result in radiation burns.


Chemical burns, or alkali burns, can occur when acids, alkalies, detergents, or solvents come in contact with the skin and/or eyes.


While not technically a burn, inhalation injuries are the result of fumes arising from flames or chemical burning. Inhalation injuries can be typically categorized as:

Heat Inhalation

Inhaling extremely hot air can burn the inside of your lungs and damage your upper airways.

Systemic Toxin Inhalation

Burning can release systemic toxins into the air which can decrease your body’s ability to take in oxygen. Prolonged exposure can result in organ damage.

Smoke Inhalation

Inhaling smoke can be catastrophic causing roughly 70% of burn injury fatalities.

If you experience any of the following symptoms after inhaling smoke, consult a medical professional: irritated throat, irritated sinuses, impaired vision, shortened breath, chest pain, headaches, nausea, or runny nose.

Arkansas Attorneys You Can Trust

Trust our local team of attorneys to answer your questions, walk you through each step, and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. We’ve been serving Arkansans for nearly 30 years. And with over 275 years of combined experience, we’re more than prepared to help you with your burn injury lawsuit.

Fill out our form below and one of our team members will reach out to you.

Prefer to meet with a burn injury lawyer near you? You can speak with an attorney face-to-face at any of our seven offices across Arkansas. Schedule a meeting with a burn injury attorney at any of our locations in Arkadelphia, Little Rock, Springdale, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Conway, or Texarkana. Wherever you are in the Natural State you can find Taylor King Law near you:

And if you can’t come to us, we’ll come to you. We have an entire team of investigators across Arkansas who will come to you, wherever you are.

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