YAAWWWWWWWN. Oh, sorry guys…I haven’t had my afternoon nap yet. I’ve been up doing a little research in honor of…NATIONAL NAP DAY! I am the perfect pup for this because boyyyyy, do I know how to nap. I can nap just about anywhere and at any given time. I’ve had this skill since I was a little pupper. I could be playing a good ol’ game of tug-of-war with Taylor King one minute, and the next, BOOM – I’d flop over in a deep sleep.

Not only am I good at naps, but I LOVE them, too! So I want to celebrate National Nap Day to its full extent.

First, I plan on using as MANY different ways to say “nap” as possible. This is my list so far:

  1. Beauty Sleep
  2. Beauty Rest
  3. Cat Nap (you know how I feel about felines, but I’ll let this one slide)
  4. Siesta
  5. Power Nap
  6. Morning Nap
  7. Afternoon Nap
  8. Night Night
  9. Snooze
  10. Doze
  11. Grab some zzz’s
  12. Forty winks
  13. Slumber
  14. Shut-eye


Next, I’d like to share with you a lullaby that Momma likes to sing to me. This is for those of you who need a song to help you fall asleep. Trust me, it works like a charm.

(To the tune of Rock-a-Bye Baby)
Go to sleep Bradi
It’s time for a nap
I’ll sing you this song
‘Cuz I cannot rap
Curl in a ball
And close your eyes
Dream sweet dreams
Until time to rise


Happy National Nap Day to all!!



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