Bradi Bear Blog
What You Should Know About Arkansas Leash Laws
YAAWWWWWWWN. Oh, sorry guys…I haven’t had my afternoon nap yet. I’ve been up doing a little research in honor of…NATIONAL NAP DAY! I am the perfect pup for this because boyyyyy, do I know how to nap. I can nap just about anywhere and at any given time. I’ve had this skill since I was a little pupper. I could be playing a good ol’ game of tug-of-war with Taylor King one minute, and the next, BOOM – I’d flop over in a deep sleep.
Not only am I good at naps, but I LOVE them, too! So I want to celebrate National Nap Day to its full extent.
First, I plan on using as MANY different ways to say “nap” as possible. This is my list so far:
Next, I’d like to share with you a lullaby that Momma likes to sing to me. This is for those of you who need a song to help you fall asleep. Trust me, it works like a charm.
Happy National Nap Day to all!!