Lijiah Smith Fatally Injured in Motorcycle Wreck in Hope

44-year-old Lijiah G. Smith (Hope, AR) was fatally injured in a crash on Thursday, June 15, 2023.

At approximately 8:20 p.m. Mr. Lijiah Smith was traveling north on Highway 29 Bypass in Hope. A southbound vehicle (2000 Chevy 1500) on Highway 29 attempted to make a lefthand turn onto Highway 278. The Chevy vehicle pulled in front of Mr. Smith’s motorcycle (Yamaha) forcing a collision. Mr. Smith sustained fatal injuries in the wreck.

Additional Details: Arkansas State Police Preliminary Fatal Accident Report

For more information about obtaining a full copy of the police report: How to Obtain a Police Report in AR

Accident Location: Highway 29 Bypass (at Highway 278), Hope, Arkansas, Hempstead County:

If you have any concerns or if any information in this report is incorrect, please contact us directly at [email protected].



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