Teenager Fatally Injured in Magnolia, AR Wreck

An unidentified 17-year-old was fatally injured in an accident on Friday, August 9, 2024.

At approximately 8:14 p.m. the male minor was a passenger in a vehicle traveling west on Columbia County Road 61 in Magnolia. The vehicle (2018 Mitsubishi) left the roadway before colliding with an embankment and overturning. The unidentified minor was transported to Magnolia Regional Medical Center where he later succumbed to his injuries.

3 additional passengers and the driver of the vehicle also sustained injury in the crash. One minor, aged 15, was unidentified. Additionally, 23-year-old Christopher Straham (Stephens, AR), 23-year-old Devin Davis (Stephens, AR), and 18-year-old Cardiare Adair (Stephens, AR) sustained injuries.

Additional Details: Arkansas State Police Preliminary Fatal Accident Report

For more information about obtaining a full copy of the accident report: How to Obtain a Police Report in Arkansas

Accident Location: Columbia Road 61, Magnolia, Arkansas, Columbia County:

If you have any concerns or if any information in this report is incorrect, please contact us directly at [email protected].

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