As the name suggests, a brain injury is any injury to the head or brain caused by a car accident, a fall, an assault, a gunshot wound, or any other uncommon incident. The brain could also be injured because of lack of oxygen from drowning, or inadequate blood supply during a heart attack. If the injury is severe, it might be termed as a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Frequently people who suffer brain injuries have no recollection of the event, or what caused the injury.


People do recover from brain injuries but a timeline is difficult to establish. At times it could be days, weeks, or even years. Very often a person loses consciousness because of a brain injury and remains that way for an unpredictable period of time. Brain injuries and their outcomes are difficult to forecast. As a general guideline, the less the injury the quicker the recovery time and vice versa. In some injuries the rate of recovery is rapid in the early period after the injury, but slows down as time goes by.

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the recovery time is difficult to foretell and often far slower than family and friends tend to expect. This can be traumatic for all and everyone, who want it to go back to how it was. Doctors adopt a cautious attitude, preferring to wait and watch. As a rule of thumb, the longer the person remains unconscious or in a coma, the less likely the chances of a full recovery are. The most critical time after a brain injury is typically 24 to 48 hours immediately following the incident.

The First Defense

Brain injury claims require a brain injury lawyer who has the special expertise needed. This is why brain injury cases differ from other personal injury claims. Establishing liability can be challenging unless the lawyer is exhaustively conversant with the legal and medical issues related to brain injuries. The first defense of defendants and insurance companies is to deny that such an injury ever occurred. And your first defense, consult with a skilled attorney, who will be on your side.




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Traumatic Brain Injury

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