3-Vehicle Wreck on I-49 in Springdale Proves Fatal

48-year-old Teresa Daring (Siloam Springs, AR) was fatally injured in an accident that took place on Thursday, February 6, 2020.

At approximately 10:05 p.m. Ms. Daring was driving north on Interstate 49 when her vehicle “sideswiped” an 18-wheeler (1993 Peterbilt) traveling north near mile marker 71. Ms. Daring’s vehicle (2019 Chevrolet Malibu) was then struck from behind while stationary in the inside lane. The impact of the third vehicle involved (2019 Chevrolet Silverado) forced Ms. Daring’s vehicle off the roadway to the east.

Weather conditions were cloudy and road conditions dry at the time of the accident.

Additional Details: Arkansas State Police Preliminary Fatal Accident Report

Accident Location: Interstate 49 (near mile marker 71), Springdale, Arkansas, Washington County:

If you have any concerns or any information in this report is incorrect, please contact us directly at [email protected].

3-Vehicle Wreck on I-49 in Springdale Proves Fatal



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