Car Accident Near El Dorado Proves Fatal on Friday

46-year-old Jason Langley (El Dorado, AR) was fatally injured in an accident on Friday, April 1, 2022.

At approximately 5:38 a.m. Mr. Langley was traveling north on U.S. 167 just north of Southfield Cutoff Road when a northbound vehicle (2017 Dodge Charger) traveling behind Mr. Langley struck Mr. Langley’s vehicle (1997 Dodge Ram) from behind. Following the collision, Mr. Langley’s vehicle left the roadway before overturning on its driver’s side.

32-year-old Quinton Roberts (Junction City) also sustained injuries in the collision.

Conditions were reportedly clear and dry.

Additional Details: Arkansas State Police Preliminary Fatal Accident Report

Accident Location: U.S. 167, El Dorado, Arkansas, Union County:



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