Car Wreck Report
Fatal Crash in Monticello Claims the Life of Lacey Reed
28-year-old William Lynn (Star City, AR) and 34-year-old Diana Bailey (Star City, AR) were both fatally injured in an accident that took place on Sunday, October 11, 2020.
Shortly before 1:00 a.m. Ms. Bailey and Mr. Lynn were traveling south on Highway 530 between Pine Bluff and Star City. A northbound vehicle (2016 Chevrolet Camaro) crossed the centerline near the Lincoln County and Cleveland County lines and struck Ms. Bailey and Mr. Lynn’s vehicle (1992 GMC Vandura).
23-year-old Destiny Bowman (Hamburg, AR) sustained injuries during the collision.
Weather conditions were reportedly clear and road conditions were wet at the time of the accident.
Additional Details: Arkansas State Police Preliminary Fatal Accident Report
For more information about obtaining a full copy of the accident report: How to Obtain a Police Report in AR
Accident Location: Highway 530, rural Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Lincoln County:
If you have any concerns or any information in this report is incorrect, please contact us directly at [email protected].