Hot Springs Biker Fatally Injured in Central Avenue Collision

30-year-old Delano Lamont Gordon (Hot Springs, AR) was fatally injured in an accident on Wednesday, April 12, 2023.

At approximately 8:17 p.m. Delano Gordon was traveling southbound in the inside lefthand lane of Central Avenue (State Highway 7) when a northbound vehicle (2011 Toyota Camry) was in the center turn lane and attempted to make a lefthand turn onto Vineyard Street. Mr. Gordon’s motorcycle (Honda CBR1000) collided with the rear passenger door of the Toyota vehicle. Mr. Gordon was thrown from his motorcycle and collided with a second northbound vehicle (2008 Ford Expedition).

Mr. Gordon sustained fatal injuries in the collision.

Additional Details: Arkansas State Police Preliminary Fatal Accident Report

Accident Location: Central Avenue/State Highway 7 at Vineyard Street, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Garland County:

If you have any concerns or if any information in this report is incorrect, please contact us directly at [email protected].



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