Vehicle Flips Upside Down on I-40 and Claims the Life of Texas Driver

42-year-old, James Willie Register, of Gatesville, Texas was fatally injured when his vehicle ran off Interstate 40 near Russellville shortly before 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 6th.


According to state police, Mr. Register’s vehicle was driving west near mile marker 78 when it veered off the right-hand side of I-40, went “airborne” and landed upside down. Mr. Register was driving a 2007 GMC vehicle. No other vehicles were known to be involved in the incident.


Conditions at the time of the accident were windy and dry.


Accident Location: Interstate 40, Pope County, Arkansas

Vehicle Flips Upside Down on I-40 and Claims the Life of Texas Driver



Car Wreck Report

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