Staff Spotlight: Bobby Wheeler

We’re shining the spotlight this month on Bobby Wheeler.

Bobby is one of our Lead Litigation Assistants and Trainers who has been a key part of Taylor King Law for nearly eight years. Currently juggling his role at TKL and pursuing law school, Bobby brings a unique blend of experience to our firm.

When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, Bobby shares a candid perspective. “I don’t want to feel bad or guilty not doing something that is completely optional.” In its place, he shares a piece of advice that has stuck with him. “A liquid has no definite shape and finds its form based on whatever container or obstacle it encounters. In life, be like liquid.”

Bobby’s ideal weekend is a serene escape to a remote cabin devoid of cell service, filled with music, reading, and cooking. He likes to replicate this tranquility by utilizing the cell setting ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode on weekends at home, hanging out in his backyard.

Did you know that Bobby has a telescope? He has observed the moons of Jupiter (~411.96 million miles away), the rings of Saturn (~951.67 million miles away) and not to be left out, the moon (~238,900 miles away). Bobby loves “to observe parts of our solar system that are half a billion and almost a billion miles away respectively.”

Summing up his experience at Taylor King Law in two words, Bobby chooses “teamwork and perseverance.” We’re thankful for the stellar contributions he brings to our TKL family.

Little Rock Law Firm Staff Spotlight



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