Taylor King and Associates and the Arkansas law enforcement agencies encourage you to share the road. Statistics indicate motorcycle riders are as good, if not better, than drivers of all other vehicles. Personal injury attorneys understand that it is often hard to receive the full compensation motorcycle riders deserve due to the biases placed against them. Many times, the other driver is at fault because motorcycles are often undetected due to their small size and the car driver’s blind spots.

When it comes to injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident compared to an automobile wreck, a study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration concluded that leg injuries are the most common form of injuries in case of motorcyclists. Since there is a minimal protection available to the lower part of the body, motorcyclists injure their legs more than in an automobile accident. Also, since the motorcycle is much smaller than the vehicles on the road, the chances of the motorcycle becoming totaled are high and unfortunately higher are the chances of the motorcyclist becoming severely injured or possibly killed.

Limited Protection

Though protective gear is available for motorcyclists to protect them from collisions, this gear has limited capabilities. And in some cases, defects have been noted and the manufacturers held liable. Helmets, heavy boots, reinforced synthetic jeans, and armor pieces and clothing are just some of the options available. Motorcycle accident injuries often are serious and hit the victims hard financially. Statistics released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration suggest that an average leg injury costs around the $20,000 range. Multiple leg injuries cost double and if there is burning involved and skin grafting is required, the costs can increase even more. We are not even considering the financial losses incurred due to lost wages either.

Common Injuries

The following is some of the most common form of leg injuries sustained during motorcycle accidents:

Ankle injury

Broken foot

Damage to knee ligaments

Rupture to tissues and arteries in legs

Bone fractures

Ankle ligament tear

Increasing Your Odds

Just like car accidents, victims of motorcycle accidents can also be compensated for medical expenses and damages. You, however, will need the assistance of a personal injury lawyer/motorcycle accident attorney. For more information, contact Taylor King at 870.246.0505. There is no fee unless Taylor King and Associates win your case; they can come to you if you’re too injured to come to them.




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